O El Nino de 1982-83 e a Precipitação Sobre a América do Sul

Mary T. Kayano, Anto­nio D. Moura


The large-scale regional aspects of the 1982-83 El Niño are discussed relating the precipitation anomaly patterns observed over South America with results from diagnostic and theoretical works. Long-lasting and very intense floods have occurred in southern parts of Brazil, northern Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and southern Bolivia, mainly during the period May-July 1983. Also, severe droughts have striken Northeastern Brazil including the Amazon region. Ecuador and northwestern Peru suffered flood conditions from the end of 1982 until August of 1983. The GCM simulations reproduced the principal aspects of the atmospheric circulation. Theoretical results suggested that the precipitation anomalies observed over South America can be explained as the atmospheric response to a heating source over the eastern Pacific associated with the El Niño.


El Niño; América do Sul; precipitação; South America; rainfall.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22564/rbgf.v4i2.1055


>> Brazilian Journal of Geophysics - BrJG (online version): ISSN 2764-8044
a partir do v.37n.4 (2019) até o presente

Revista Brasileira de Geofísica - RBGf (online version): ISSN 1809-4511
v.15n.1 (1997) até v.37n.3 (2019)

Revista Brasileira de Geofísica - RBGf (printed version): ISSN 0102-261X
v.1n.1 (1982) até v.33n.1 (2015)


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