Na, Ca, K, Mg e Cl Atmosféricos na Região Leste do Estado de São Paulo

B.M. Vieira


Rainwater and atmospheric particulate matter samples were systematically collected from July 1981 to August 1983 at three meteorological stations in the eastern part of the state of São Paulo. These samples were analyzed and sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium and chloride contents were determined, as well as the total particle concentration. The results were correlated with some geoclimatic parameters which allowed us to draw inferences about the continent-ocean-atmosphere interactions. Wet and dry fluxes were also determined, and with the only exception of sodium at São José dos Campos, it was found the well-marked prevalence of the wet deposition for all studied elements.


São Paulo; Na; Ca; K; Mg; Cl



>> Brazilian Journal of Geophysics - BrJG (online version): ISSN 2764-8044
a partir do v.37n.4 (2019) até o presente

Revista Brasileira de Geofísica - RBGf (online version): ISSN 1809-4511
v.15n.1 (1997) até v.37n.3 (2019)

Revista Brasileira de Geofísica - RBGf (printed version): ISSN 0102-261X
v.1n.1 (1982) até v.33n.1 (2015)


Brazilian Journal of Geophysics - BrJG
Sociedade Brasileira de Geofísica - SBGf
Av. Rio Branco 156 sala 2509
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
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