On a New Computation of the Collisional Transfer Rates for Maxwell Molecules Interaction

C. J. Zamlutti, I. S. Batista


A new computation of the collisional transfer rates for Maxwell molecules type interactions is presented. The relevance of the present computation is that an approximated analytical expression is proposed to substitute and invert the infinite series relating the apsidal angle to the impact parameter. This allow us to use more refined computer methods to compute the transfer integrals. A comparison with the old results is performed and conclusions are drawn as to the relevance of the discrepancies.

Keywords: collisional transfer rates; Maxwell molecules interactions.




Collisional transfer rates; Maxwell molecules interactions.Collisional transfer rates; Maxwell molecules interactions.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22564/rbgf.v12i2.1174


>> Brazilian Journal of Geophysics - BrJG (online version): ISSN 2764-8044
a partir do v.37n.4 (2019) até o presente

Revista Brasileira de Geofísica - RBGf (online version): ISSN 1809-4511
v.15n.1 (1997) até v.37n.3 (2019)

Revista Brasileira de Geofísica - RBGf (printed version): ISSN 0102-261X
v.1n.1 (1982) até v.33n.1 (2015)


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