Comparison between L2- and L1-norm and among optimization algorithms for a nonhyperbolic multiparametric approach for converted-wave and OBN data
As velocity analysis is an important step in seismic processing, several nonhyperbolic travel-time approximations have been proposed during the last decades, and each nonhyperbolic approximation was developed for different conditions and with different proposals. However, none of them was proposed to consider the combined effect of the nonhyperbolicity coming from layered media with large offsets, wave conversion and difference of datum between source and receiver. For this, a nonhyperbolic multiparametric travel-time approximation, which is capable of describing this combination of effects, was recently proposed. As this approximation was developed to characterize ultra-deep reservoirs, the understanding of its behavior is necessary for an offshore reservoir concerning the objective function topology complexity, as it is important for a better understanding of its behavior during the inversion procedure, and also important to determine the kind of optimization algorithm to be used. Performing the inversion procedure with different optimization algorithms and norms is proposed. The complexity analysis of the objective function is also proposed. Then, a comparison between each norm and among each algorithm concerning their accuracy and efficiency is proposed, to find which combination is the most effective to recover RMS velocity information for this kind of scenario.
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