SBGf President’s Foreword to the Special Issue: BrJG: 40th Years

Roberta Mary Vidotti


Dear readers,

We are honored to present this commemorative edition of the Brazilian Journal of Geophysics (BrJG), celebrating 40 years of uninterrupted publication by the Brazilian Society of Geophysics (SBGf). Several changes have occurred since publishing the first issue of the Brazilian Journal of Geophysics (RBGf) in 1982. Among the advances, we highlight especially: adopting English as the official language, changing from print to digital format, using DOI identification in all articles, and adopting software for detecting plagiarism, among others. In this celebratory year, we should also emphasize that all articles published by the journal are being digitalized and should be available soon. This brief retrospective inspires us to seek new challenges for the future.

SBGf is proud to be the editor of this journal, which has been chosen by hundreds of researchers, academics, and/or professionals to share their studies, research, and innovations over the last 40 years. As a scientific society, we are committed to the quality of the BrJG, to keeping it as a reliable source for disseminating knowledge and geophysical advancement, as well as an essential instrument for exchanging experiences between authors and readers, national and foreign.

The continuous support of our associates and sponsors has allowed us to maintain the publication of our scientific journal until now and, fundamentally, in the coming years. Our deepest gratitude goes to the authors for trusting us and our work, and for the quality of the papers submitted to the journal; your support consolidates and guarantees the journal. We also extend our gratitude to the editors, reviewers, and the entire editorial team who worked hard over the years, allowing us to issue this special edition.

This special issue contains an exceptional selection of articles by guest authors, which brings important contributions to the different areas of knowledge covered by the journal. We wish you all an enriching and inspiring reading of this special edition “BrJG 40 Years”.


Roberta Mary Vidotti

SBGf President, for 2021 to 2023.


SBGf; BrJG; RBGf; 40 years; editorial; special issue; journal

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>> Brazilian Journal of Geophysics - BrJG (online version): ISSN 2764-8044
a partir do v.37n.4 (2019) até o presente

Revista Brasileira de Geofísica - RBGf (online version): ISSN 1809-4511
v.15n.1 (1997) até v.37n.3 (2019)

Revista Brasileira de Geofísica - RBGf (printed version): ISSN 0102-261X
v.1n.1 (1982) até v.33n.1 (2015)


Brazilian Journal of Geophysics - BrJG
Sociedade Brasileira de Geofísica - SBGf
Av. Rio Branco 156 sala 2509
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Phone/Fax: +55 21 2533-0064

Since 2022, the BrJG publishes all content under Creative Commons CC BY license. All copyrights are reserved to authors.

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