Santos Basin as an Example of a Shear-Driven Core Complex in a Transform Marginal Plateau

Renato Marcos Darros de Matos, Marcos Fetter, Flavio Luis Fernandes, Ian Norton


It is proposed a new model on the kinematics of strain partitioning for the breakup  of the Santos and Namibe conjugate basins. The model is based on observed strike-slip corridors and low-angle detachments with metamorphic core complexes, which accommodated the deformation in a mega relay zone. Through detailed reconstructions of this segment of the South Atlantic, collecting multidisciplinary data from previous researchers, and considering the relative relationship between Africa and South America during the breakup process, it is herein reexamined key evidence of how the Brazilian side became so wide, and acted as an accommodation zone  during the Aptian. The 600 km Long transpressional-dextral Proterozoic Ribeira Belt is the cradle of the transtensional-sinistral Santos-Namibe strike-slip rift propagator. These conjugate basins evolved as a large-scale relay zone, developing an oblique-left-lateral extensional corridor during the Aptian, balancing mechanically coeval deformations from two sub-parallel spreading branches, traveling from North and South, but hundreds of kilometers apart from each other. Proterozoic inheritance, and the dynamic clockwise rotation of South America (far-field stresses) controlled strain partitioning between the Campos/Benguela basins and the Pelotas/Walvis basins. The onset of seafloor spreading around the Falkland (Malvinas) Island, triggered the relative clockwise rotation of the southernmost tip of the South America plate, and the intrusion of transversal dike swarms of the Ponta Grossa Arch, which is interpreted as fissural magmatism, comparable to a regional opening mode(type I) fracture system. Plate kinematic transport direction inferred from plate reconstructions is mainly EW. The step-over oblique-slip of this relay zone widened the Santos Basin in the NW-SE direction, often mistakenly misinterpreted as the extension direction in the Santos Basin. This NW path is the direction of the maximum elongation within an E-W shear corridor. Our work details a new and unprecedented strike-slip structural framework of the Santos Basin, with large-scale basement-involved folding around the Outer High, which evolved to an obliquely sheared active low-angle detachment system, simultaneously influenced by the thermal anomaly of the Tristan-Gough plume, responsible for magmatic thermal weakening and thermal-induced uplift. Magmatic underplating may have facilitated the doming process. The Santos Basin is located at the heart of a Transform Marginal Plateau, as previously proposed. It is composed of a magmatic crust, with fragmented slices of continental crust, obliquely sheared during successive transform movements, with possible magmatic underplating. This kinematically linked system of normal faults, strike-slip faults, flexural folds, and detachment faults has direct impact on understanding the properties of world-class oil and gas reservoirs in the Brazilian Pre-Salt Supergiant Province. With the ongoing regional transgression, the active structural highs were the site of deposition of the carbonate reservoirs that host an in-place volume around a hundred billion barrels of  hydrocarbons, considering the whole province.


South Atlantic breakup, Santos-Namibe conjugate basins, Oblique hyperextension, Metamorphic core complex, Magmatic underplating, Kinematic strain partitioning, Oblique detachment systems, Tristan-Gough plume

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>> Brazilian Journal of Geophysics - BrJG (online version): ISSN 2764-8044
a partir do v.37n.4 (2019) até o presente

Revista Brasileira de Geofísica - RBGf (online version): ISSN 1809-4511
v.15n.1 (1997) até v.37n.3 (2019)

Revista Brasileira de Geofísica - RBGf (printed version): ISSN 0102-261X
v.1n.1 (1982) até v.33n.1 (2015)


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