Sísmica de Refração e Eletroresistividade Aplicadas à Investigação Indireta de Depósitos Estratiformes na Chapada Diamantina

Olivar A. L. de Lima, Raymundo W. S. Silva, Walter M. Conceição Filho


Vertical electrical sounding and seismic refraction profiling were employed in the study of a 12 kmtarget area for sulfides mineralization on the northern border of the Chapada Diamantina. The work aimed at delineating in subsurface two clastic levels containing disseminated copper and lead mineralization. These levels are separated by a dolomitic horizon and, in general, are covered by meta argillite and meta-sillites, the whole sequence overlying a silicified quartzitic substratum. Eleven seismic profiles and electrical soundings were carried out along the same base lines and their results were compared with data from drill hole lithologic logs. The two clastic levels are normally characterized by low seismic velocities and electrical resistivities. Typical ranges of these properties are: 1800-330O m/s and 6O-130 Ωm for the clastics, 5OOO-550O m/s for the dolomite and 5OOO-65OO m/s for the quartzites, with the last two lithologies exhibiting, resistivity above 3OO Ωm. This strong contrast in petrophysical properties, permitted the subsurface mapping of the mineralized levels through the investigated area. New drilling locations have been selected on the basis of these results.


eletroresistividade; depósitos estratiformes; chapada diamantina

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22564/rbgf.v5i1.1059


>> Brazilian Journal of Geophysics - BrJG (online version): ISSN 2764-8044
a partir do v.37n.4 (2019) até o presente

Revista Brasileira de Geofísica - RBGf (online version): ISSN 1809-4511
v.15n.1 (1997) até v.37n.3 (2019)

Revista Brasileira de Geofísica - RBGf (printed version): ISSN 0102-261X
v.1n.1 (1982) até v.33n.1 (2015)


Brazilian Journal of Geophysics - BrJG
Sociedade Brasileira de Geofísica - SBGf
Av. Rio Branco 156 sala 2509
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
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