Geophysical surveying for the detection of ferrous-based objects: possibilities for depth estimative combining analytic signal and vertical integral of the anomalous magnetic field
The detection of buried clandestine objects challenges forensic and archeologic search group teams on varying terrains, and variable scales of research. Therefore, the study of controlled buried objects is useful for trainings in geophysical acquisition and processing. In this study, we applied ground survey data for testing the magnetic method at controlled geophysical sites for the location of ordinary objects and firearms. We used data filtering techniques in order to facilitate the location of magnetic targets. Also, we experienced the 3D inversion of analytic signal of the vertically integrated magnetic field (ASVI), for the location of targets in depth. As a result, the study determined the location of four magnetic targets, and a three-dimensional view was constructed from the estimated magnetic susceptibility. We concluded that modeling transformed magnetic data is an affordable technique for application in near-surface investigations. Also, this experiment exemplifies the relevance of magnetic methods for location of excavation sites on the basis of geophysical methods.
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