16th Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society

Call for papers

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Frequently Asked Questions - Portuguese
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Instructions to submit your abstract

Abstract Guidelines
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Word Template - short abstract
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For 2021, the Technical Program will contain a mix of onsite and virtual presentations, consisting of oral and web based poster formats, workshops and short courses.

The Technical Program Committee cordially invites geophysicists and members of the geoscience community to submit expanded abstracts for presentation in the 17 th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society to one of the topics indicated below:

AVO, Rock Physics & Petrophysics

Focused on providing the basis for a quantitative interpretation, AVO, Rock Physics, and Petrophysics techniques aim to deliver, within integrated workflows via upscaling processes, the link between elastic and rock properties such as porosity, mineralogy, pore shape, fractures, and stresses. Lateral variations of statics and dynamics properties play an important role in complex reservoirs modeling. Being spatially predictive using Seismic Inversion results calibrated by Rock Physics and Petrophysics analyses are key factors in the geological and geomechanical model building process. In exploration prospects, AVO studies are widely used. Theoretical and applied results developed by Industry and Academia are welcome and can include, but not limited to, the following methods:

  • Rock Physics Models: Development and Applications;
  • AVO, Seismic Inversion, and Quantitative Interpretation;
  • Anisotropy, Fractured Reservoirs, AVOz;
  • Petrophysics and Borehole Geophysics;
  • Reservoir Characterization;
  • Digital Rock Physics Analysis;
  • Fluid Substitution and 4D Feasibility;
  • Pore-pressure Prediction;
  • Rock Mechanics, Geomechanics, and Stresses Analysis;
  • Emerging Technologies;

The proposed roundtable is: Multi-Scale Modelling of Seismic and Mechanical Properties.

Data Acquisition

The topic of Data Acquisition covers a broad range of geophysical techniques. Their focus is to recover as much information from the subsurface as possible, in an affordable and, most importantly, sustainable way. Sessions in this topic will cover many aspects of acquisition, including:

  • Optmizing Acquisition Design;
  • Broadband Seismic;
  • Multi-Component and Multi-Physics Data Acquisition;
  • Simultaneous Sources;
  • Seismic Acquisition in Highly Obstructed Areas;
  • Data Acquisition and Sustainability;
  • Emerging Technologies;
  • VSP and Borehole Geophysics;
  • Permanent Acquisition and Monitoring;

The proposed roundtable is: Seismic Acquisition in Highly Obstructed Areas: Benefiting from Installed Production Facilities.

Data Processing

Processing of geophysical data, which is closely related to digital signal analysis, aims to treat data acquired in the field through seismic, gravimetry, electromagnetic, radar and other techniques. Data processing can be used to improve signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), address interfering signals, gather and analyze statistical information, and even infer missing data, among many other uses. Presentations in this topic are welcomed, with suggested focus in the following themes:

  • Data Interpolation and Regularization;
  • Noise Attenuation;
  • Multiples Attenuation;
  • Simultaneous Sources Data and Deblending;
  • Statistical Methods in Data Processing;
  • Data Deconvolution;
  • Wavelet Extraction;

We also welcome proposals for Symposiums and Workshops in this topic.

Geology & Geophysical Analysis

This section is dedicated to processing and geological interpretation of geophysical data, in multiple scales, which demonstrate the contribution of geophysics to the understanding of subsurface geological scenarios. It involves qualitative, semi-quantitative and quantitative analysis of geophysical data from the various geophysical methods and geological integration. Some topics are suggested below:

  • Geological cartography.
  • Basement and Structural framework of sedimentary basins.
  • Craton and orogenic belts studies.
  • Continental margin and oceanic basins.
  • Structure of the Earth's interior
  • Geophysical-geological models.
  • Global tectonics.
  • Development of methods and techniques for interpretation.

We also welcome proposals for Symposiums and Workshops in this topic.

Geophysical Engineering

The technical session on Geophysical Engineering covers a wide range of Engineering applications where geophysical data and methods play a major role, encompassing but not limited to Geotechnical, Petroleum, Environmental, and Mining. The main topics expected to be presented and discussed in this session involve:

  • Geophysical subsurface investigations to predict landslides;
  • Geological hazards and karst areas;
  • Integration of Geophysical methods aiming at establishing foundation engineering of large structures for mineral exploration, including Oil & Gas, Ore deposits, or Geothermal plants;
  • Tunnels, bridges and dams building and monitoring;
  • Groundwater exploration and contaminants;
  • Environmental Geophysics;
  • Carbon capture and sequestration;

The proposed roundtable is: Reservoir Monitoring: Bridging the Gap from Geophysical to Engineering Subsurface models updating.

HSE Geophysics
Machine Learning, Digital Transformation & HPC

Geophysics has always been a very multidisciplinary field, and computers have been a part of this science for many years. Recent advances have made this relationship much closer, with Geophysical applications ranked among the top HPC users in the world. The technical session Machine Learning, Digital Transformation & HPC will focus on how these topics can enable geoscientists to combine data-driven and physical-based modeling in complex environments and with fast, high-quality decisions. We invite presenters in the following and related topics:

  • Applications in High Performance Computing;
  • Cloud Computing and other virtual computational environments;
  • Machine Learning applications in Geophysics;
  • Digital Transformation in Geophysics;
  • Big Data and the challenges of creating integrated Geophysics databases;

The proposed roundtable is: Working and Teaching remotely: Digital Transformation in Geophysics.

Mining & Near Surface Geophysics

This technical session is dedicated to the use of near-surface geophysical methods applied to mineral exploration, groundwater investigation and environmental characterization. It involves a broad range of activities commonly, but not exclusively, related to the sub-fields of Exploration Geophysics, Environmental Geophysics, Archaeo-Geophysics, Hydro-Geophysics, Glacio-Geophysics, Marine-Geophysics and Hydrography, including different topics such as:

  • Near-surface geophysical in mineral exploration: new methods and case studies.
  • Geophysical characterization of environmental contamination.
  • Groundwater geophysical mapping and monitoring.
  • Archaeological and forensic applications of geophysics.
  • Geophysical investigation of continental and submarine geohazards.
  • Advances in applied geoacoustics.
  • Developments in near-surface geophysics data acquisition, inversion and interpretation.
  • Near surface methods and controlled experiments for long-term geophysical monitoring studies.

The proposed roundtable is: Project Seabed 2030: improving the global ocean floor’s bathymetry resolution.

Model Building: From Imaging to Geomechanics

The ability to construct complex geological models and generate synthetic data is paramount in Geophysics. Model Building is an important tool for survey design, imaging, interpretation, fluid flow simulations and many other applications. This is an integrated field, where the expertise and knowledge of geoscientists play equal roles to complex data inversion algorithms. We invite authors of this very multidisciplinary area to contribute with works related to:

  • Tomography;
  • Full Waveform Inversion (FWI);
  • Migration Velocity Analysis (MVA);
  • Physical Model Building;
  • Multiparameter Model Building;
  • Reservoir Scale Models and Parametrization.

We also welcome proposals for Symposiums and Workshops in this topic.

Multiphysics Methods

The Multiphysics session brings together contributions from different geophysical methods covering methodological and applied content to different sectors of Academia and Industry. Currently, the challenges to understand the geological evolutionary processes added to the difficulty of imaging emphasize the importance of combining different geophysical methods, adding reliability and reducing ambiguities in the interpretation. The contribution of these methods to mining, oil & gas, environmental and solid Earth are widely known to the scientific community. We invite presenters to share your experiences regarding the Geophysical Methods listed below:

  • Geoelectrical Methods: Induced Polarity (IP), Self-Potential Method (SP), Eletro Resistivity Method;
  • Electromagnetic Methods: CSEM, Magneto telluric, FDEM and others;
  • Radiometric Methods;
  • Magnetics;
  • Gravity;
  • Geothermal Methods;

We also welcome proposals for Symposiums and Workshops in this topic.

Remote Sensing and Space Geophysics

Geoscientists use Remote Sensing to register and understand the Earth’s geophysical processes. From proximal to orbital technologies, Remote Sensing can be used for geophysical, geological and geothermal energy exploration, and evaluation for environmental geology and geotechnical engineering, among other fields. We invite the community to contribute to this session, suggesting the following themes:

  • Geological and geophysical applications;
  • Oil & Gas;
  • Mineral and Geothermal exploration;
  • Terrain, bathymetry and DEM analytical techniques;
  • Surface energy balance (models an application);
  • Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR);
  • Hyperspectral and Multispectral Sensors;
  • Multiscale remote sensing;
  • Remote Sensing in Seismology

We also welcome proposals for Symposiums and Workshops in this topic.

Space Geophysics investigates the physical phenomena that occur in the Sun, in nearby space, on Earth and other planets. We invite the community to contribute to this session suggesting the following themes:

  • Solar and heliospheric physics;
  • Physics of the Ionosphere and upper atmosphere;
  • Magnetospheric physics, radiation belts and geomagnetism

We also welcome proposals for Symposiums and Workshops in this topic.

Reservoir Geophysics

The Technical Session Reservoir Geophysics comprises technical discussions and oral and poster presentations from a broad set of disciplines, technologies and methodologies, involving a full range of industries, state and private companies' professionals as well as academia researchers, and involving areas such as:

  • Integrated Reservoir Modeling and Characterization;
  • Reservoir Monitoring & Time-Lapse Seismic;
  • Passive Seismic Analysis;
  • Reservoir Geomechanics;
  • Reservoir Properties from Seismic Inversion Techniques;
  • Diagenesis, Karsts, Fractures and Fractures and Reservoir Quality;
  • Uncertainty Analysis;
  • Geohazards Prevention;
  • Reservoir Geophysics Value of Information (VOI) & Economic Added Value (EVA);
  • Seismic Data Bandwidth & Reservoir Heterogeneities Representation;
  • Emerging Technologies;
  • Multiphysics for Improved Reservoir Modeling.

The proposed roundtable is: Unlocking Diagenesis, Karsts and Fractured Reservoirs with MAZ Data.

Seismic Imaging

The goal of Seismic Imaging methods is to produce an accurate, high resolution (broadband) image of the subsurface from seismic data. Usually, the accuracy of such methods is evaluated from a structural (kinematic) standpoint, but novel techniques such as Least Squares Migration aim to be dynamically accurate as well. Such novel approaches, together with current challenges pertaining to complex geological settings and deeper imaging targets, have kept this field current in both Industry and Academia. Oral and poster sessions in this topic will focus on novel and well-known approaches in this field, including but not limited to:

  • Kirchhoff and Other Integral Methods;
  • Reverse Time Migration (RTM) and Other Wavefield Continuation Methods;
  • Gaussian Beam Methods;
  • Downward Continuation and Other Fourier Based Methods;
  • Least Squares and Deconvolution based Methods;
  • Diffraction Imaging;
  • Imaging with Multiples;
  • Shear-wave Imaging;

The proposed roundtable is: Least Squares Imaging in High Contrast Environments: Salt, Carbonates and Basalts.

Solid Earth Geophysics

This topic covers a broad range of disciplines that address the quantitative analysis of the structure, dynamics ane evolution of the Earth including continental/oceanic crust and lithosphere. We encourage oral and poster contributions in all topics listed below but not restricted to them.

  • Seismology;
  • Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism;
  • Geodesy;
  • Gravity and Magnetics;
  • Electromagnetic Induction Methods;
  • Heat Flow;

We also welcome proposals for Symposiums and Workshops in this topic.

The proposed roundtable is: Main Open Problems in Solid Earth Geophysics.

4th Brazilian Seismology Symposium
III Simpósio Brasileiro de Geologia e Geofísica Marinha
Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso/Iniciação Científica

A Sociedade Brasileira de Geofísica (SBGf) torna público o edital “Prêmio SBGf de SBGf de TCC/IC” com o objetivo de incentivar a formação de recursos humanos qualificados na área de Geofísica e premiar o melhor trabalho entre essas duas modalidades que foram desenvolvidos nos Cursos de Graduação em Geofísica

  1. Disposições Gerais
  2. O Prêmio SBGf de Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso e Iniciação Científica é constituído de premiação de melhor trabalho na área da Geofísica. Este Prêmio será outorgado de dois em dois anos, por ocasião do Simpósio Brasileiro da Sociedade Brasileira de Geofísica, mas este ano de 2021 devido a pandemia excepcionalmente a premiação se dará durante o 17° Congresso Internacional da Sociedade Brasileira de Geofísica. Será premiado apenas um trabalho dentre os trabalhos de conclusão de curso e de iniciação científica em todo o País.

  3. A Premiação
  4. A premiação consistirá em:

    1. Inscrição para participação no Congresso Internacional da Sociedade Brasileira de Geofísica.
    2. Inscrição em um minicurso do Congresso
    3. Certificado da SBGf de melhor trabalho.
    4. Artigo no Boletim da SBGf ou Convite para publicação do trabalho no Brazilian Journal of Geophysics (BRJG)

  5. Poderão se candidatar:
  6. Alunos dos cursos de graduação na área de Geofísica que estejam cursando ou tenham concluído a graduação em Geofísica. Excepcionalmente devido a não realização desta premiação em 2020, a data de conclusão não pode exceder a 03 (três) anos da data final de submissão da candidatura.

  7. Da Inscrição
  8. Para concorrer ao Prêmio SBGf de TCC/IC o trabalho deverá ter sido defendido no Brasil, mesmo em casos de cotutela ou outras formas de dupla diplomação. O procedimento para a inscrição seguira os seguintes passos:

    1. Será criada no Congresso da SBGF uma seção técnica específica com trabalhos de conclusão de curso e de iniciação científica.
    2. Os candidatos deverão submeter o trabalho no formato pré-estabelecido para o Congresso.
    3. Os trabalhos submetidos serão avaliados para participação no Congresso e receberão uma pontuação.
    4. A seção será constituída dos trabalhos mais bem avaliados.
    5. Os três trabalhos com melhor pontuação receberão uma comunicação solicitando envio da documentação abaixo:
      - TCC/ relatório final de IC no formato pdf.
      - Documento de comprovação de vínculo com o Curso de Graduação, ou caso o aluno
      já tenha sido graduado a ata de colação de grau.
      - Currículo Lattes.
      - Anuência do orientador principal.

      Os trabalhos serão enviados a um comitê que irá escolher o melhor trabalho. A falta de qualquer um dos documentos desclassifica o trabalho.

    6. O melhor trabalho de TCC/IC receberá certificado.
    7. Todos os trabalhos submetidos a seção de TCC/IC do Congresso serão avaliados para premiação.

A inscrição de submissão para concorrer a melhor TCC/IC será durante a chamada de trabalhos do Congresso cuja data limite de submissão é 31 de maio de 2021 na seção específica que será determinada no site do Congresso.

O Comitê de Avaliação do TCC/IC será escolhido em reunião da Diretoria da SBGf entre pesquisadores da Academia e profissionais da área e constituído de 03 (três) membros.


  1. The deadline for expanded abstracts submission is June, 15th, 2021.

  2. For oral presentations submissions, the expanded abstracts must be in PDF format, from 4 (four) to 6 (six) pages, single-spaced, including figures. For poster presentations, short abstracts may be accepted, with a maximum of 500 words.

  3. Short Abstracts will be accepted for poster presentations only.

  4. We strongly recommend submission of expanded abstracts in English.

  5. Expanded abstracts accepted for the Technical Program will be available online, exactly as submitted.

  6. For instructions and guidelines to submit your expanded or short abstract, please refer to the website https://sbgf.org.br/congresso.

  7. Prospective authors are requested to proceed with online submission on website https://sbgf.org.br/congresso by June, 15th, 2021. Files sent by e-mail will not be accepted. However, if for any reason you do not succeed with the online submission, please contact the Organizing Committee.

  8. The Brazilian Geophysical Society will retain the copyright of all abstracts submitted.

  9. Interested authors may submit their work as a full paper to be considered both for the 17th CISBGf and for Brazilian Journal of Geophysics (BrJG), the official journal of the Brazilian Geophysical Society.

  10. In order to be considered for acceptance in BrJG, authors must adhere to the journal´s submission guidelines. Guidelines for submissions to BrJG can be found at https://www.sbgf.org.br/mysbgf/rbgf.php.

Note: Acceptance of the abstract for presentation does not guarantee acceptance of the paper for publication at BrJG. Expanded Abstracts will not be accepted if received after the deadline of June, 15th, 2021!

Expanded Abstracts will not be accepted if received after the deadline of June 15th, 2021!













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