Call for Papers

Check the list of accepted works in the ORAL and POSTER categories

Technical Program

This year’s Technical Program will include technical sessions, workshops and round tables, to be held from October 16th to 19th, at EXPO MAG Convention Center, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Short Courses

The pre-convention short courses are scheduled to be held in October, 2023. Courses will be held online or in person and will cover a wide range of current Geophysics topics. The courses are suitable for a broad range of geoscientists, from experts to beginners. Some courses may have specific pre-requisites, so be sure to check the target audience. The Organizing Committee invites prospective instructors to contact SBGf with proposals regarding pre-convention short courses.

If you... Expanded Short
...have the results already interpreted but intend to publish the results WITH ADDITIONAL DATA and MORE elaborated discussions in a peer-reviewed journal.
...have the results already interpreted but would like to publish your results in a peer-reviewed journal AS they stand today**.
...have results already interpreted FOR PART OF THE DATA and it only remains to improve the discussion and comparison with the literature.
...obtained only preliminary results which have not yet been interpreted*** a student and is just starting your work now****!
(*) SBGF believes that the expanded articles are an important source of information! We love expanded articles.
(**) Peer-review journals do not accept works exactly as published in the congress. Do you already know BrJG?
(***) All you have to do is put in the summary what you are getting today and then run for it!
(****) Yes, we want to know what you are researching!


  1. Abstracts will be accepted between February, 1st and May, 28th, 2023. New
  2. The Committee accepts expanded and short abstracts. For detailed information, please refer to the abstract guidelines.
  3. Abstracts, short and expanded, can be submitted for either oral or poster presentations. Final decisions regarding the presentation format will be assigned by the Technical Committee and will be available after the evaluation and acceptance period.
  4. The Committee strongly recommends submission of abstracts in English.
  5. Both short and expanded abstracts will be accepted for all technical sessions (oral and poster)
  6. Abstracts accepted for the Technical Program will be available online, exactly as submitted. New
  7. The submission can be edited, including the option to replace the uploaded file, by the primary author until the deadline. New
  8. Prospective authors are requested to proceed with online submission on website by no later than May, 28th, 2023. Files sent by e-mail will not be accepted. However, if for any reason you do not succeed with the online submission, please contact the Organizing Committee at
  9. The Brazilian Geophysical Society will retain the copyright of all abstracts submitted. For any additional information, please refer to the website
  10. New Deadline for abstract submission is May 28, 2023 New
  11. Abstracts will not be accepted if received after the deadline of May, 28th, 2023!

Technical Program

This year’s Technical Program will include technical sessions, workshops and round tables, to be held from October 16th to 19th, at EXPO MAG Convention Center, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Short Courses

The pre-convention short courses are scheduled to be held in October, 2023. Courses will be held online or in person and will cover a wide range of current Geophysics topics. The courses are suitable for a broad range of geoscientists, from experts to beginners. Some courses may have specific pre-requisites, so be sure to check the target audience. The Organizing Committee invites prospective instructors to contact SBGf with proposals regarding pre-convention short courses.

If you... Expanded Simple
...have the results already interpreted but intend to publish the results WITH ADDITIONAL DATA and MORE elaborated discussions in a peer-reviewed journal.
...have the results already interpreted but would like to publish your results in a peer-reviewed journal AS they stand today**.
...have results already interpreted FOR PART OF THE DATA and it only remains to improve the discussion and comparison with the literature.
...obtained only preliminary results which have not yet been interpreted*** a student and is just starting your work now****!
(*) SBGF believes that the expanded articles are an important source of information! We love expanded articles.
(**) Peer-review journals do not accept works exactly as published in the congress. Do you already know BrJG?
(***) All you have to do is put in the summary what you are getting today and then run for it!
(****) Yes, we want to know what you are researching!


  1. Abstracts will be accepted between February, 1st and May, 28th, 2023. New
  2. The Committee accepts expanded and short abstracts. For detailed information, please refer to the abstract guidelines.
  3. Abstracts, short and expanded, can be submitted for either oral or poster presentations. Final decisions regarding the presentation format will be assigned by the Technical Committee and will be available after the evaluation and acceptance period.
  4. The Committee strongly recommends submission of abstracts in English.
  5. Both short and expanded abstracts will be accepted for all technical sessions (oral and poster)
  6. Abstracts accepted for the Technical Program will be available online, exactly as submitted. New
  7. The submission can be edited, including the option to replace the uploaded file, by the primary author until the deadline. New
  8. Prospective authors are requested to proceed with online submission on website by no later than May, 28th, 2023. Files sent by e-mail will not be accepted. However, if for any reason you do not succeed with the online submission, please contact the Organizing Committee at
  9. The Brazilian Geophysical Society will retain the copyright of all abstracts submitted. For any additional information, please refer to the website
  10. New Deadline for abstract submission is May 28, 2023 New
  11. Abstracts will not be accepted if received after the deadline of May, 28th, 2023!
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