Análise de dados magnetotelúricos nas vizinhanças do Lineamento Sobra-Pedro II, Província Borborema
Melissa Tami Makibara (IAG/USP), Ícaro Vitorello (LAC/CTE/INPE, Orientador) e Mauricio de Souza Bologna (IAG/USP, Coorientador)
Electromagnetic Induction Studies in the Borborema Province and Adjacent Terrains, Northeastern Brazil - 2013-INCTET Progress Report
Ícaro Vitorello (INPE), Antonio L. Padilha (INPE), Marcelo B. de Pádua (INPE), Sérgio L. Fontes (ON), Mauricio S. Bologna (USP), Santos, A.C.L. (INPE), Reinhardt A. Fuck (UnB)
Geoelectrical structure of the Archean Serrinha Block and surroundings, Northeastern Brazil, obtained from 3D modeling of magnetotelluric measurements
Mauricio S. Bologna (IAG/USP, CEOAS/OSU), Gary Egbert (CEOAS/OSU), Anna Kelbert (CEOAS/OSU), Marcelo B. Pádua (INPE), Ícaro Vitorello (INPE), Antonio Padilha (INPE), Edson E. S. Sampaio (CPGG/UFBA)
Magnetotelluric imaging of the southeastern Borborema province, NE Brazil
Andrea C. L. Santos (INPE), Antonio L. Padilha (INPE), Ícaro Vitorello (INPE), Reinhardt A. Fuck (UnB), Marcelo B. Pádua (INPE), Augusto C. B. Pires (UnB)
Magnetotelluric soundings in NE Brazil - Constraints for dual subduction zones with opposite polarity beneath the NW Borborema province
Antonio L. Padilha (INPE), Ícaro Vitorello (INPE), Marcelo B. Pádua (INPE), Maurício S. Bologna (IAG/USP)
Using airborne gravity and magnetic data to recognize crustal domains concealed underneath the Parnaíba basin
David L. de Castro (PPGG/UFRN), Jeffrey D. Phillips (USGS – USA), Reinhardt A. Fuck (IG/UnB), Roberta M. Vidotti (IG/UnB), Francisco H. R. Bezerra (PPGG/UFRN)
Análise de dados magnetotelúricos nas vizinhanças do Lineamento Sobra-Pedro II, Província Borborema
Melissa Tami Makibara (IAG/USP), Ícaro Vitorello (LAC/CTE/INPE, Orientador) e Mauricio de Souza Bologna (IAG/USP, Coorientador)
Electromagnetic Induction Studies in the Borborema Province and Adjacent Terrains, Northeastern Brazil - 2013-INCTET Progress Report
Ícaro Vitorello (INPE), Antonio L. Padilha (INPE), Marcelo B. de Pádua (INPE), Sérgio L. Fontes (ON), Mauricio S. Bologna (USP), Santos, A.C.L. (INPE), Reinhardt A. Fuck (UnB)
Geoelectrical structure of the Archean Serrinha Block and surroundings, Northeastern Brazil, obtained from 3D modeling of magnetotelluric measurements
Mauricio S. Bologna (IAG/USP, CEOAS/OSU), Gary Egbert (CEOAS/OSU), Anna Kelbert (CEOAS/OSU), Marcelo B. Pádua (INPE), Ícaro Vitorello (INPE), Antonio Padilha (INPE), Edson E. S. Sampaio (CPGG/UFBA)
Magnetotelluric imaging of the southeastern Borborema province, NE Brazil
Andrea C. L. Santos (INPE), Antonio L. Padilha (INPE), Ícaro Vitorello (INPE), Reinhardt A. Fuck (UnB), Marcelo B. Pádua (INPE), Augusto C. B. Pires (UnB)
Magnetotelluric soundings in NE Brazil - Constraints for dual subduction zones with opposite polarity beneath the NW Borborema province
Antonio L. Padilha (INPE), Ícaro Vitorello (INPE), Marcelo B. Pádua (INPE), Maurício S. Bologna (IAG/USP)
Using airborne gravity and magnetic data to recognize crustal domains concealed underneath the Parnaíba basin
David L. de Castro (PPGG/UFRN), Jeffrey D. Phillips (USGS – USA), Reinhardt A. Fuck (IG/UnB), Roberta M. Vidotti (IG/UnB), Francisco H. R. Bezerra (PPGG/UFRN)