
Resumos de Eventos

Exibindo 8 resumos na sessão RTM, LEAST SQUARES AND KIRCHHOFF METHODS.

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A comparison of iterative methods performance to exact and pseudo adjoint operators in least-squares migration

Breno Bahia (University of Alberta), and Reynam Pestana (CPGG/IF/UFBA and INCT-GP/CNPq/Brazil)

A complete RTM workflow for imaging and model building in the azimuth-angle domain

Nizar Chemingui (PGS), Alejandro Valenciano (PGS), Sergey Frolov (PGS) and Sverre Brandsberg-Dahl (PGS)

Exploration of pre-salt targets off-shore Brazil using least-squares RTM

Diego Carotti (CGG), Mariano Gatti (CGG) and Huub Douma (CGG)

Handling illumination for improved structural and quantitative interpretation

Laurence Letki, Maud Cavalca & Robin Fletcher, (Schlumberger)

High Resolution Imaging by Wave Equation Reflectivity Inersion - A MAZ Case Study from Jequitinhonha Basin, Brazil

Alejandro Alcudia-Leon, Alejandro Valenciano, Shaoping Lu, Nizar Chemingui, Sbere Bransberg-Dahi; (PGS)

Least Squares Imaging using `1 and Student residuals

Alan A. V. B. Souza and Jorg Schleicher, (UNICAMP)

Least-Squares Migration in the Image Domain with Sparsity Constraints - An Approach for Super-Resolution in Depth Imaging

Bruno Pereira-Dias, André Bulcão, Djalma Manoel Soares Filho , Luiz Alberto Santos, Roberto de Melo Dias (PETROBRAS); Felipe Prado Loureiro, Felipe de Souza Duarte (Fundação Gorceix)

Least-squares RTM-Theory and applications

Ping Wang, Shouting Huang, and Ming Wang, (CGG)

Resumos de Eventos

Exibindo 8 resumos na sessão RTM, LEAST SQUARES AND KIRCHHOFF METHODS.

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A comparison of iterative methods performance to exact and pseudo adjoint operators in least-squares migration

Breno Bahia (University of Alberta), and Reynam Pestana (CPGG/IF/UFBA and INCT-GP/CNPq/Brazil)

A complete RTM workflow for imaging and model building in the azimuth-angle domain

Nizar Chemingui (PGS), Alejandro Valenciano (PGS), Sergey Frolov (PGS) and Sverre Brandsberg-Dahl (PGS)

Exploration of pre-salt targets off-shore Brazil using least-squares RTM

Diego Carotti (CGG), Mariano Gatti (CGG) and Huub Douma (CGG)

Handling illumination for improved structural and quantitative interpretation

Laurence Letki, Maud Cavalca & Robin Fletcher, (Schlumberger)

High Resolution Imaging by Wave Equation Reflectivity Inersion - A MAZ Case Study from Jequitinhonha Basin, Brazil

Alejandro Alcudia-Leon, Alejandro Valenciano, Shaoping Lu, Nizar Chemingui, Sbere Bransberg-Dahi; (PGS)

Least Squares Imaging using `1 and Student residuals

Alan A. V. B. Souza and Jorg Schleicher, (UNICAMP)

Least-Squares Migration in the Image Domain with Sparsity Constraints - An Approach for Super-Resolution in Depth Imaging

Bruno Pereira-Dias, André Bulcão, Djalma Manoel Soares Filho , Luiz Alberto Santos, Roberto de Melo Dias (PETROBRAS); Felipe Prado Loureiro, Felipe de Souza Duarte (Fundação Gorceix)

Least-squares RTM-Theory and applications

Ping Wang, Shouting Huang, and Ming Wang, (CGG)


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