
Resumos de Eventos

Exibindo 7 resumos na sessão CASE HISTORIES.

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A MAZ case study from the Jequitinhonha basin, Brazil - Benefits of advanced methods to imaging results

Lynn Comeaux, Matheus Pila, Ernesto Lemos; (Petroleum Geo-Services)

A MAZ case study from the Jequitinhonha basin, Brazil - combining legacy conventional with dual-sensor towed-streamer data

Jon Burren, Lynn Comeaux, Guilherme Jangelme, Rafael Melo; Petroleum Geo-Services (Petroleum Geo-Services)

Ancient geological structures in the middle crust of southeast brazilian portion identified by geoelectrical results with Magnetotellurics geophysical methods

Flora Solon (Observatório Nacional), Emanuele F. La Terra (Observatório Nacional), Miguel Tupinambá (UERJ/TEKTOS), Leonardo G. Miquelutti (Observatório Nacional), Sergio L. Fontes (Observatório Nacional)

Defining Frontier Petroleum Systems - Examples from Plate Reconstructions of the Atlantic Margins

Mark E. Odegard (Grizzly Geosciences, Ennis, Montana, USA); William Dickson (DIGs, Houston, TX, USA); Craig F. Schiefelbein (Geochemical Solutions International, Houston, TX, USA); and John E. Zumberge (Geomark, Houston, TX, USA)

Improved reservoir imaging and understanding with Dual-Sensor Streamer in deep-water Santos Basin

Cyrille Reiser, Tim Bird, Lucile Girard and Alex Vartan, (Petroleum Geo-Services)

Multi-azimuth imaging for deep-water pre-salt reservoirs in Santos Basin, Brasil

Didier Lecerf, Ariane Souza, Francisco Sanchez, Luis D’Afonseca, Herve Prigent, and Tadeu Vidal, (CGGVeritas); João Batista Boechat, Claudio Guerra, Alvaro Martini, Alberto Lopes de Carvalho, João Carlos Logrado Jose Marcelo Cruz and Jose Acúrcio de Moraes, (PETROBRAS)

Offshore solutions - Brazil broadband case study

Jaswinder Mann and Gregor Duval, (CGG)

Resumos de Eventos

Exibindo 7 resumos na sessão CASE HISTORIES.

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A MAZ case study from the Jequitinhonha basin, Brazil - Benefits of advanced methods to imaging results

Lynn Comeaux, Matheus Pila, Ernesto Lemos; (Petroleum Geo-Services)

A MAZ case study from the Jequitinhonha basin, Brazil - combining legacy conventional with dual-sensor towed-streamer data

Jon Burren, Lynn Comeaux, Guilherme Jangelme, Rafael Melo; Petroleum Geo-Services (Petroleum Geo-Services)

Ancient geological structures in the middle crust of southeast brazilian portion identified by geoelectrical results with Magnetotellurics geophysical methods

Flora Solon (Observatório Nacional), Emanuele F. La Terra (Observatório Nacional), Miguel Tupinambá (UERJ/TEKTOS), Leonardo G. Miquelutti (Observatório Nacional), Sergio L. Fontes (Observatório Nacional)

Defining Frontier Petroleum Systems - Examples from Plate Reconstructions of the Atlantic Margins

Mark E. Odegard (Grizzly Geosciences, Ennis, Montana, USA); William Dickson (DIGs, Houston, TX, USA); Craig F. Schiefelbein (Geochemical Solutions International, Houston, TX, USA); and John E. Zumberge (Geomark, Houston, TX, USA)

Improved reservoir imaging and understanding with Dual-Sensor Streamer in deep-water Santos Basin

Cyrille Reiser, Tim Bird, Lucile Girard and Alex Vartan, (Petroleum Geo-Services)

Multi-azimuth imaging for deep-water pre-salt reservoirs in Santos Basin, Brasil

Didier Lecerf, Ariane Souza, Francisco Sanchez, Luis D’Afonseca, Herve Prigent, and Tadeu Vidal, (CGGVeritas); João Batista Boechat, Claudio Guerra, Alvaro Martini, Alberto Lopes de Carvalho, João Carlos Logrado Jose Marcelo Cruz and Jose Acúrcio de Moraes, (PETROBRAS)

Offshore solutions - Brazil broadband case study

Jaswinder Mann and Gregor Duval, (CGG)


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